Friday, July 26, 2013

Major R & R [Raymond & Robbie]

I had some time to take off of work, so I asked my grandparents if they'd be interested in hosting me at their little "home away from home", a trailer at Buffalo Bay, which is just north of Warroad across the Canadian border.They were delighted to have me join them for a few days earlier this week!

I absolutely love, love, LOVE going up there; it is the most relaxing time I have ever had in my life. I think this has a lot to do with not being able to use your cellphone. You're not distracted by texts, snapchats, tweets, and Facebook statuses. On top of that, you don't really have a set itinerary. I probably got 9 or 10 hours of sleep every night before waking up to go out to the gazebo and have coffee with Granny and Grandpa. It's the kind of that you make in a metal pot, where the water boils up into the grounds and comes back down. When you finish your cup, you normally have to pick little black specks out of your teeth. After awhile, we'd have a delicious breakfast - buttery eggs, red pepper sausage, buckwheat pancakes with juneberries.

I don't know anyone who loves to fish as much as my grandpa does. We put in 4 or 5 hours in the boat on both Tuesday and Wednesday, each. Grandpa and I both caught nice northerns - mine was a 38incher and his was a 40. We had such a blast! Granny caught a little perch, which I had never seen or eaten before. After we got in from the boat, Granny and I would clean up and sit and read (I finished The Paris Wife - loved the book, hated Hemingway) or visit while Grandpa cleaned the fish.

When Grandpa got back, he'd dip the filets in flour, then buttermilk, then back into flour again. He might've had breadcrumbs in the mix somewhere, too - I don't rightly recall. Anyways, all of you know how I feel about eating something you raised (or rather, "caught", in this case) yourself. I honestly believe the fish taste that much better when you reel them in out on a rough lake.

After supper, we'd go down to the landfill and keep a lookout for the bears. Black bears go looking for snacks and treasures oftentimes when they are trying to fatten up before they have to go into hibernation. We didn't get to see any this time, but I have seen them down there before! Hopefully we'll spot some when I go up there again for Labor Day weekend (given that the weather cooperates).

We'd head back to the gazebo after an unsuccessful bear-hunting and play sequence or make s'mores. When we were tired, we went to bed. When we were ready to get up, we got up and did it all over again. There are no commitments and no worries, no makeup or matching clothes, no social media to "like" or anything of that nature.

And of course, this wouldn't be a real "Love, Kalli" post without a bunch of photos, now would it?



















Thursday, July 25, 2013

Kittson County Fair 2013 - in instagrams!

I love fair time. Like, more than I love Christmas. I have for as long as I can remember. This year, the all-school reunion was celebrated in Hallock during the fair, too, so we had a mini-class reunion out at Nathan's cabin. I'm bummed more of our classmates couldn't attend - hopefully next time! Other than that, I took in the a few of my favorite events - Gus's livestock judging, the lumberjack show (I highly recommend, very entertaining), and, of course, the demo! Here are some instagrams (in no particular order) of it all:


Only 362 days til the fair next year! :)



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

yellow mustard.

Growing up, my family played a lot of board games. A LOT. My parents still have dozens of games in our closet, and whenever anyone comes across a new one, it usually gets thrown in the shopping cart. We have all the classics - Monopoly, Sorry!, Life, etc. Dad also taught all of us kids to play poker and whist. I remember around Christmas time, he would bring out his change jar from the year and split it amongst the six of us, and then us kids would insist on playing black jack.

It wasn't until recent years that he didn't start automatically winning all his change back because someone would take a hit on a 17 and he was always the dealer. Weenie.

Anyway, I think everyone's favorite game to play was Clue. Bailey always got to be Miss Scarlet, Dad would be Colonel Mustard, and I usually tossed it up between Ms. Peacock and Mrs. White. When my neighbor friend, Natalie, got the INTERACTIVE Clue game, we thought it was the coolest in the world. The thing talks to you! How awesome, right?

(I know it sounds like I'm rambling here, but just stick with me...)

Back to playing Clue with Dad and Bailey. She would go to guess whodunit, where, and with what, and she would I always say, "I believe it was Yellow Mustard, in the ________, with the pistol." Yeah. Yellow = Colonel, pistol = revolver. It works.

So when Bailey and I went out for supper on Sunday, the waiter brought mustard and ketchup to our table, and I burst out laughing. Like, I couldn't stop. And then Bailey got mad at me. This is what the mustard bottle said on it:

I'm not a big mustard fan, so it's not like I'd seen this before.

And, I'm easily amused.

I know, I need a life.

Happy hump day :)



Friday, July 5, 2013

07.04.2013 in instagrams!

Happy FIFTH of July, everyone! I spent the 4th up in Pembina with Haley, along with my family (they didn't get into any instagrams though, ha!) Here's just a couple pics from the day. Enjoy :)




Monday, July 1, 2013

The Most Random Post Ever (Brought to You by Kalli Peterson)

I have been so bad about keeping up with posting on my blog lately! I've been at a bit of a writer's block, I guess. I have posts planned, however; honestly, one day I'm just going to share like a half dozen links on Facebook and you're all going to be annoyed with me taking over your newsfeeds.

Oh who am I kidding. You'll love it.

Another thing I've been bad at lately is snapping pictures of what I've been up to, like this past weekend's celebrations in Kennedy and Lancaster. Goll dangit! I look at my pictures from last summer and I had my camera with me EVERYWHERE. This is something I'll have to start working on. Haylie snapped this one of us at the under the lights softball game in Kennedy on Friday night:


Speaking of things I need to start working on: reading more. I don't know if I've ever shared this before, but...I love to read. Like, when I was a kid, as a punishment when I'd back talk or lip off or do something that my parent's didn't like, they'd take my books away. I remember when I was about 12, my usual bed time routine was to go up to my room, put a movie on on the TV, and lay in bed and read my book. Don't ask; I can focus on a good book no matter how much background noise there is. Anyways, my dad would come upstairs and get mad because I wasn't asleep, and he'd turn the TV off, take my book away, and flip the lights off.

Years later, my mom told me that she always rolled her eyes at that because as soon as he was done taking away my book, TV, and lights, he'd go down to their room and do the exact same thing.

Yeah, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Currently, I'm reading this:

I'm big into reading the book before I see the movie. Because guess what? The book is ALWAYS better than the movie. Aaaaaalways. And if I break my own rule and watch the movie before I read the book, I'm disappointed 98% of the time. And this is one of those movies that I'd like to see soon. I'm on page 15 and it's going pretty good so far, although I'll admit that for some reason it took me a few "letters" to decide whether Charlie is a boy or a girl. I'm still not 100% sure to be honest, but I think boy. Haha.

Like I said, I need to read more. I should have been reading more this whole time that I've been on a break from college, because pretty soon, I'll only have time to read text books. A few (emphasis on the word "few" here) other books I have on my to-read list include: The Paris Wife, Clara and Mr. Tiffany, The Outsiders (don't ask me how I never read this in high school), The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, and Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West (this was one of those where I watched the movie before I read the book, and my dad told me it doesn't even compare). I love having the goodreads app on my phone so I can easily access which book I need to read next.

I'm not the biggest TV watcher; I religiously watched General Hospital for about a decade (I'm not kidding, I started watching the show when I was 11. Hey, when you grow up with a router and rabbit ears, it's either that or King of the Hill) but I stopped after they pulled all the crap with Robin being dead/alive. Stupid. Anyways, I love Longmire (I'm sooo behind though, I need to catch up!) and Parenthood, but that's about it. Thanks to Netflix, I got really into The Office for awhile, and I have recently discovered the awesomeness of Revenge. Seriously, LOVE IT. Wouldn't it be just glamorous to spend a summer in the Hamptons?! Oh to have that much money to wear elegant prom dresses and sip champagne and attend fabulous parties on a daily (evening-ly?) basis.

Other than all that jazz, the only other thing I've had on my mind lately is COLLEGE. I can't flipping wait. I'm so excited, mostly because my best friend Haley will be there, too. I make lists of all the things I need to bring with. I've also checked to see if I can get the low down on any of my professors...none of them are on there. Also, fun fact: of my 6 classes, I have 4 teachers, and I only go to 2 classrooms. This is kind of nice, I think.

So, there you go. The Most Random Post Ever (Brought to You by Kalli Peterson). Now, I'm just looking forward to 4th of July celebrations...eeee!

