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I haven't always loved hockey; I used to think it was "okay", but my preference between hockey and, say, basketball, back in the good ole days usually changed depending on who I had a crush on
I have been a hockey sister for 11 years now (okay, not THAT long, but about 6) and I have learned the ins and outs of being a good one. I present to you my list of The 10 Commandments Of Being A [Good] Hockey Sister:
1) Thou shall train her body to adapt to the "road diet", which usually consists of chicken mcnuggets and pizza.
2) Thou shall fall asleep before the hibernating papa bear she has to share a hotel room with, and if she has to sleep in the same bed as a snuggly little hockey-playing wood tick, well...God help her.
3) Thou shall control her lip and remain classy, always; no cursing, cussing, or yelping at the refs (I maybe need some help in this department).
4) Thou shall always pack her chopper mitts and cute knit headband.
5) Thou shall scope out the opposing teams' good-looking coaching staff. (Haha, it just seemed appropriate+honest to include this one.)
6) Thou shall not hug her brother too tightly in front of his teammates, because that's not "cool."
7) Thou shall continue to love her brother, even if he goes into the penalty box (aka "The Box of Shame", aka "The Naughty Box", and aka "The Sin Bin").
8) Thou shall not assume her brother did no wrong when he does go into the penalty box; it's hockey for crying out loud.
9) Thou shall not wear high heels, flip flops, or any other impractical footwear to a game. Fake uggs & moccs only.
10) Thou shall always cheer loud and be proud.
DISTRICT RECAP: I got to see former classmates Lindsey and Krista on Saturday and Sunday (their brothers play hockey, too!) The weekend consisted of homemade paper hockey sticks for the hotel room doors, head shaving, inspiring peptalks, a Beavers vs. Bulldogs game, and defeating Warroad, East Grand Forks, and Bemidji Blue to bring home the hardware and advance to the region tournament in Silver Bay March 1st - 3rd!
Gahh! Not even that excited!