Monday, January 14, 2013

"The biggest blizzard since the end of the world."

I left work a little early on Friday to try and beat the storm home (FYI: winter driving is NOT my friend; all I wanted to do was get home and not go anywhere for as long as possible). On the door of the grocery store, Grubb had a sign up that said something about it being the biggest blizzard since the end of the world! Haha, very clever. Dad had texted me at work asking if I would stop by Gullander's for some grass seed. Of course, my reaction was, "Oh, nice day to be planting grass" but apparently, it's for Gus' science fair project. Don't ask. I got another text later asking if I would pick him up some Copenhagen -- and that's how Noel Peterson prepares for torrential snow storms.

Friday and Saturday nights were both spent in my basement watching the Gophs get their first WCHA sweep of the season on the Seawolves. I cannot believe that in less than a week, I'll be down at Mariucci watching them kick the crap out of UND (you can expect a Gopher-themed post sometime soon)! I am seriously more excited for that game than I am for my birthday. On the other hand, I went to bed right after the games were over -- maybe it's time to turn 21 so I stop being so lame on the weekends? (However, having a 9:30 bedtime is a-okay with me!)

I rolled out of bed around 8 on Saturday morning (again, I'm old because I consider THAT to be "sleeping in") to head out and see if my animals survived the 5 inches of snow that were dumped on them. It wasn't so bad until dad and I had to leave our tree-surrounded yard to get straw bales. Brrrr. That's when my cheeks got so rosy, as you can see from the picture below:

Two thoughts on this picture: 1) I look like a boy and 2) I also look like I just stepped out of a Tractor Supply Company ad -- Carhartt jacket, overalls, and hat, Muck boots, and Kinco leather gloves. With a happy heart, I shoveled off the front porch and steps of the house after playing 10 rounds of sequence.

I hit a few bumps with my pump on Thursday and Friday -- Thursday, I started bleeding at my sister's basketball game, so I had to leave right after the second half to go home and clean up. Friday, it started leaking at my desk while I was at work. I'm pretty sure it's a placement thing -- both days, I was wearing it on my stomach. So, the stomach is not going to be my favorite place to wear it, and that's alright because I sleep on my stomach! I currently have it on the back of my arm -- the NE says I should try and rotate sites as often as possible, so I'm doing my best!

I was in Roseau on Sunday for my bro's PeeWee hockey team; their record is 12-0 right now. It's pretty sweet. He is also playing basketball this year, and will have to decide which one he's sticking with before 7th grade in the fall. I don't care which one he picks, because, for me (and this goes for Nannie, too) it's more about watching him play than what sport it is; but I DO love hockey...




  1. sooooo I enjoy reading your writing... I have only been able to keep on a travel blog so far, so props to you! p.s... i may have to buy the same boots for this summer... too cute :) hayley

    1. It's so funny that you just commented, because I was just thinking about how I hadn't seen you for awhile! Thanks! You should get the boots for sure! Hope I see you around SOON!

    2. I'll be up President's day weekend! Thinking it'll be time to go out to the Liq!
