Monday, September 9, 2013

why I'm going to be a teacher.

Hey, everyone!


So, since I am settled into school (for the most part...I just finished hanging my jeans up yesterday. I've never hung jeans up before in my life) and I'm taking all these education classes, I thought I'd share with you all why I'm going to be a teacher.

I'm not really sure of where to start with this one, so I'll just wing it. In high school, I took speech the spring of my senior year, so my class got to organize the annual Dr. Seuss Day celebration. High schoolers were paired up with elementary kids so that they could help them with the various activities my classmates and I had planned for the day. I can't remember all of them, but I think they read aloud to each other, decorated cookies, and made "slime". I got up in front of one class and explained how were going to make this goopy green stuff. Afterwards, three faculty members - who I respect immensely - walked up to me (together) and told me that I needed to be a teacher when I grew up, that I was a natural at the front of the classroom.

I thought to myself, "NO WAY. School has never been for me; why would I want to spend the rest of my life in a classroom? Teachers don't make any money! I'm going to be a dental hygienist; they practically make their own hours and are compensated well for it!"

Side note: I've probably already shared this with you, but, I came home from my first semester of college with a D in Dental Anatomy and my dad looked at me and said, "Maybe you shouldn't be a dental hygienist."

So, anyways. After the EPIC (and you know it was EPIC because I never use the word EPIC, ever) dental hygiene fail, I went through three more semesters at The Tech in Moorhead, just taking generals. Still not really sure what I was doing, Haley and I came to UMC and spent the day together checking things out. I totally admit it, it was love at first sight for me. I always kind of thought Crookston was a janky town, so I was assuming the campus would be sketchy as well. Obviously it is not! Still, that May, I was panicking about what I was doing, so I talked to my parents and asked if I could live at home for a year and work. They agreed, and I talked to Rachelle about getting mostly full-time employment at the Bou starting in the middle of August. I still worked at the pool that summer in Hallock, however.

I remember the moment I knew I wanted to be a teacher so insanely clearly that it's almost scary to me. I was teaching a level two little lady, with long, curly red hair and these adorable purple-tinted goggles, and I had an epiphany. One thing you should know about swimming lesson teachers - possibly the hardest thing to teach a kid to do is back float. It's tough for them to keep their little heads back and their bellies pushed up to the sky just right, no matter what the teacher does to explain it to them. The day that little girl landed her back float was all-around exciting; exciting for her because she learned how to do it without me supporting her back for her, and exciting for me because I had helped her do it.

The greatest reward from that whole job was not the paycheck I got every two weeks. It wasn't the great tan or being done by 9 every night or not having to be there til 9 every morning. It was that moment that your young swimming student achieved a new skill, and that you helped him or her get there. To watch their little faces light up because they are so excited and proud of themselves - THAT is the greatest reward. I am tearing up remembering that moment; I remember thinking, "If I can teach a little one to do a back float, I can teach a little one to read, too."

And now, in just a few short semesters (they really are going to fly by, aren't they?) I'm going to be able to experience that exciting, glorious, smile-so-big-your-face-is-about-to-split-in-two feeling every. single. day. And, I simply can't wait.




Friday, September 6, 2013

Kalli goes to college.

Hello, everyone!

First of all, I would just like to say how good it makes me feel to have so many approach me or comment saying how they liked my last post! Sometimes I don't know how honest to be on here, so it feels good to get such wonderful compliments. Thank you! I really love my little blog and I hope to still post weekly even though I am now going to be quite busy with school.

Now, onto the fun stuff!

Per request of my cousin, Jacki, I am giving you all a little run down of my first few days at UMC. Lets start at the beginning...

Haley and I had been planning all summer to drive down there together so that she could show me around and prevent me from being a complete wandering lamb. We thought we weren't going to take off til after noon on Sunday, so I went to church and adult ed thinking, "Oh, I have plenty of time before we leave." Naturally, I left my phone at home, and I had a missed call and two texts from Hales. The first said "I'm packing up my car and getting ready to leave" and the second said "Call me". In a PANIC, I ran around my room throwing stuff in a duffel bag (ya know, cause I'd only been packing for a week and I was nowhere near done yet) and when she got a hold of me, I was blubbering and  hyperventilating and bawling my eyes out; "I thought I had time to eat with my family!" She said, "How's about I come have dinner with you guys?"

She's the best, really.

Moving in was a breeze. Actually, that's a lie - a breeze would have helped. It was SO FLIPPING HOT. I'm more than ready for that nonsense to be over. My on-campus apartment is really nice (it was built in 2010), and I get along with my roommate just fine! Isn't it silly how you worry about those things?

As always, sorry about the low-quality photos! Didn't my pillows turn out just adorable? One of these days I will write a DIY post about the pillows - and it's going to be called Stupid Easy DIY Pillows, because they are. Seriously, a monkey could make them. Or my dad. Anyways, all of you know of my unhealthy addiction to Instagram, and I discovered a handy little app called PostalPix to order my square photos from! You just download the app and upload the photos to it, provide them with your credit card info, and they mail em to you within a week, for a fairly reasonable price. I don't think I've ever spent more than $5 on an order. The pushpins are just some of those flat headed tacks with buttons from Granny glued to them, and I got the 12x12 cork board tiles from Michaels. They come in a 4-pack!

To be honest, I am absolutely kicking myself for not starting at UMC right out of high school. It is literally my home away from home. The small campus is easily comparable to a small town - you recognize almost everyone you see in the hallways, and most of the time, they say hello to you! Even if they don't know who you are! I also love that I am pretty far into my major, so I have classes with the same professors and the same students all the time (I have 4 different professors in 3 different classrooms, and I'm taking 17 credits). It's a comfort to constantly see familiar faces!

I'm also more and more sure as the more class periods I attend that I am choosing the correct career path. I have one class where we have to read 12 children's books and do little book report-like summaries on them. I get to reread all my favorite books from when I was a kid! For credit! How awesome is that?!

I threw my mom through a loop when I told her I was considering double majoring in Elementary Ed...then I told her I might even be interested in studying abroad in Greece or Norway for 3 weeks.

THEN, I said, "Yeah, I might actually stay here on a weekend."

I think she about died.

Oh, and I sent her this:

And as far as all those other wonderful non-studying college experiences I've gone through, here's what I've got so far:
- "Family" dinner nights over at Haley's with her roommates
- Death Cup (yes, it is what you are envisioning)
- Heart-to-hearts about free will and God's plan for us
- A hypnotist
- Staying up late watching NetFlix (stupid series, they get you hooked!)
- AgArama!!!!!! Kalli joins a club. (I know, unheard of.) This way I get a little bit of ag in my life...maybe I won't be so homesick?
- Going to a dance where I didn't know hardly any of the people in attendance....and actually dancing. Completely sober. This has not happened since high school, people.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers; most of you know I was pretty nervous about moving away from home the last two weeks that I was there. Now, however, I think you should generate your energy towards praying for my is my understanding that the whole house has fallen apart because I'm not there. Oh, and pray for my clothes left behind, too, as they now have to defend themselves against my little sister's fashion needs.


