Wednesday, July 10, 2013

yellow mustard.

Growing up, my family played a lot of board games. A LOT. My parents still have dozens of games in our closet, and whenever anyone comes across a new one, it usually gets thrown in the shopping cart. We have all the classics - Monopoly, Sorry!, Life, etc. Dad also taught all of us kids to play poker and whist. I remember around Christmas time, he would bring out his change jar from the year and split it amongst the six of us, and then us kids would insist on playing black jack.

It wasn't until recent years that he didn't start automatically winning all his change back because someone would take a hit on a 17 and he was always the dealer. Weenie.

Anyway, I think everyone's favorite game to play was Clue. Bailey always got to be Miss Scarlet, Dad would be Colonel Mustard, and I usually tossed it up between Ms. Peacock and Mrs. White. When my neighbor friend, Natalie, got the INTERACTIVE Clue game, we thought it was the coolest in the world. The thing talks to you! How awesome, right?

(I know it sounds like I'm rambling here, but just stick with me...)

Back to playing Clue with Dad and Bailey. She would go to guess whodunit, where, and with what, and she would I always say, "I believe it was Yellow Mustard, in the ________, with the pistol." Yeah. Yellow = Colonel, pistol = revolver. It works.

So when Bailey and I went out for supper on Sunday, the waiter brought mustard and ketchup to our table, and I burst out laughing. Like, I couldn't stop. And then Bailey got mad at me. This is what the mustard bottle said on it:

I'm not a big mustard fan, so it's not like I'd seen this before.

And, I'm easily amused.

I know, I need a life.

Happy hump day :)



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