First things first, I saw this on Pinterest just before I was going to publish this post, and I had to include it:
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I'm making this my mantra from now on. So, watch out people, I'm going to make a few mistakes in the next 12 months. And happily so :) until this point I have worried to much about being perfect and planning for the future (getting married, becoming a mom, living in Kittson til they plant me, etc.) but I will NO LONGER BE FRETTING. It'll happen if/when it's supposed to happen. In the meantime, I'm just going to do whatever I want. Moving on...
Like I do every year, I felt very loved + spoiled on my birthday. To everyone who sent me a text or gave me a call or sent me a birthday wish on Facebook, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Here are some of my favorite birthday goods:
SNUDDA LAZY SUSAN from Ikea. Yes, I have finally hit the age where it is cool to get household items as birthday gifts. I found this when we were in the cities for my brother's hockey tournament, and fell in love. It reminds me of my grandparents' house because they have one on their kitchen table, and I'd never been able to find one before. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough? My aunt went back and picked it up for me! THOUGHTFUL cards. I love how colorful they are when they're arranged like that! LET'S BLOG SOME SHIT journal. My mom knows me so well :) FLOWER POWER BIKINI from Urban Outfitters. This was a gift from me to myself; it just happened to arrive in the mail on my birthday. Now if only all the snow would melt so I can wear it. Love the vintage-y-ness! |
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I'm so excited about being 21, and it's not even about going out and getting sloshed all the time. It's about having the OPTION to. Haha, just kidding, but it'll be nice to be able to go to certain restaurants (I still have yet to experience JL Beers) AND I have some of the most fun weekends planned coming up, which will be made more fun by being legal!
Something kind of cute and funny: when I first started going to parties back in high school, my parents would always leave the entry light on for me so I wasn't stumbling around in the dark when I got home. Then, I moved to college, and when I would come home on the weekends, the light was never on! However, this weekend, they left it on BOTH Friday and Saturday! And hey, kudos go out to those two for having me on a Sunday, with just the right amount of leap years for me to have my 21st on a Friday. High five guys, nice work.
Annnnnnd that's all for today!
Kalli, I just LOVE your blog! Keep 'em comin!
Nikki :)
Thanks, friend! you should start one :)