1) I just cannot figure out wordpress. So, I'm back to blogspot. I just changed the name on my old blog and wah-lah!
2) I just love these monthly recap posts, and I decided I'd like to continue including them. So, without further ado:
- I finished Sons of Anarchy. I had been putting this for a long time, like I do with most things that I know are coming to an end. I won't ruin it for you if you haven't seen it yet, but my honest opinion is this: 1) almost the entire season is dumb and I truly believe you would be satisfied just watching the last 2 episodes; and 2) I thought it ended perfectly. Just the way I wanted it to. I'm going to miss, you know, making things out of felt and coloring while watching this show; it pretty much got me through my first two years at UMC.
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- Found an iPod that hasn't been synced since 2008. Have yet to be disappointed, although I liked Taylor Swift way more than I ever remember. And I went through a John Mayer phase.
- Chase Rice Pandora...it is so choice.
- Teacher guides; Everyday Math and Benchmark, mostly. It's kinda weird to look at a textbook and see it from a teacher's perspective rather than a student's; usually, I refer to what the students will be looking at so that I can better understand what they're supposed to be learning (or, I guess, what I'm supposed to be teaching.)
- I stumbled upon this book and had to have it; I mean, it's by the same guy that wrote the Captain Underpants books. Plus, does anyone else in my high school class remember the time Nathan got sent to the office for saying "Happy Hallowiener"? Hahahahaha
- I promised myself that I will still have a life even though I started student teaching (look for a month one recap coming your way soon!) So when Nikki and Autumn asked if I wanted to go to Shania Twain with them many months ago, I was all, "SURE!" We had a blast, and I spent the next day doing Benchmark assessments on my second graders, so it wasn't too bad getting home at 1:00AM.
- I gained my second godchild last Sunday, and I feel so special that I was asked to be this mentor for him. He's the sweetest little boy in the entire world, and there's no denying he has the best name!
- Catching up with old friends. I saw this girl TWICE this month, and what a treat it was both times! Also, it's her birthday, so everyone wish her a happy day! <3
- Gus brought home this sweet little baby and he named her Sage. She is absolutely perfect and we are all absolutely in love with her. She'll be chasing our cows around this time next year.
- Ditch flowers. I always used to say, "All I want is a boy that will pick me ditch flowers" and then this month I just says to myself, "Why don't you pick your own damn flowers?"
- I mean, who hasn't seen this and absolutely loved it?
- Fun fact about Kalli Peterson: I love man buns. O M G do I ever. And if you watch this video you will love them too. Promise.
Favorite quote this month: "Isn't it a wonderful thought that some of the best days of our lives haven't been lived yet?!"